Friday, August 27, 2010

Together we can

Together we can


           The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) rice millers are joining hands rather than opposing in their bid to control the international rice trade but some cast doubts on whether the progress is in the best interest of farmers.  The ASEAN will proceed to keep its high status in the global rice trade with a decision to form rice millers' community, a new release co-operation that aims to strengthen production and stabilize the prices of rice exported from the bloc. The project announced in Bangkok which has strengthened the role of millers, a party in the middle of the rice production process, of the world's largest rice-exporting area. Two of the group's members, Thailand and Vietnam, also rank the biggest and second biggest rice exporters correspondingly. The other four members; Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos will only join the zero-tariff scheme in 2015. Farmers in the region including Thailand have fought poverty no matter how high rice prices are. 


          In my opinion, it is great the ASEAN rice millers are cooperating with each other to fight the rice trade crisis that becoming higher. We should be proud that Thailand, our homeland, one of the biggest rice exporters continuously and Japan is not mention here. There are also four new members involve with it, if you notice, they are countries that are near and have a good relationship with us.


AWL 01 analysis
Text wordcount = 229
Frequency of list words detected = 8
Rounded Coverage = 3%

AWL 02 analysis
Text wordcount = 229
Frequency of list words detected = 2
Rounded Coverage = 1%

Oxford 3000 analysis
Text wordcount = 229
Frequency of list words detected = 162
Rounded Coverage = 71%

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