Monday, August 2, 2010

Cyclists' dreams still a very long way off

Cyclists' dreams still a very long way off

          The situation that occurred in Bangkok for cyclists right now is that there is too little cycling lanes for people who ride bicycle and wishes to exercise. There are only 26 bike lanes across Bangkok and many of them are needed to be restore due to the vehicles blockade and bumps on the lane. No additional bike lanes built in recent years as authorities appeared not to be interested in expanding them. Government agencies should encourage officials and private employees to participate in a campaign of cycling to work, the objectives is that it was healthier and would cut traffic congestion and to promote cycling in Thailand. 

.... I think bicycle is a good thing for people who want to have healthy because it's an exercise but another thing that we wouldn't to realize is if you want to exercise where will you should between ride in the park and ride on the street. So bike lens have a lot of pollution and danger. It is the best choices??? 

 AWL 01 analysis
Text wordcount = 169
Frequency of list words detected = 2
Rounded Coverage = 1%

AWL 02 analysis
Text wordcount = 169
Frequency of list words detected = 1
Rounded Coverage = 1% 
Oxford 3000 analysis
Text wordcount = 169
Frequency of list words detected = 125
Rounded Coverage = 74%

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